The 2021 US Armed Forces Chess Championships is coming

Posted by Natali Ramos on

2021 US Armed Forces Chess Championship


American Chess Equipment is proud to announce our partnership with Jim Hollingsworth and the Texas Armed Forces Chess to bring to you the 2021 US Armed Forces Chess Championship!

Jim Hollingsworth is a retired US Army Major Veteran who organized and hosted  the 2017 and 2018 Texas Armed Forces Open Chess Championships. After the successful championships, Major Hollingsworth decided it was time for a nonprofit US Chess affiliate that focused on highlighting and supporting Veteran chess players, giving life to what is now known as the Texas Armed Forces Chess.

As proud sponsors and organizers of this tournament, American Chess Equipment and Wood Expressions invite you, our friends and loyal customers, to join us in supporting the 2021 Armed Forces Chess Championship taking place on October 8-11, 2021.


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